Owen Gibson 

Labour MP demands action on email porn

8.30am: Labour MP Derek Wyatt has called for stricter controls on internet service providers to stem the flow of unsolicited pornographic emails. By Owen Gibson.

Labour MP Derek Wyatt, chairman of the parliamentary internet committee, has called on the government to bring internet service providers under stricter control in an effort to stem the flow of unsolicited pornographic emails.

"The amount of porn I get on a daily basis and the amount my children get is outrageous. It's so explicit and has put my children off using the internet" said Mr Wyatt, who also sits on the select committee for culture, media and sport.

He said ISPs should be made responsible for any unsolicited emails received by their subscribers from pornography sites.

His efforts to have the issue debated in parliament had been hampered up to now, added Mr Wyatt, meaning it was impossible to move things forward.

While it may not prove practical to fine ISPs, they should at the very least be forced to sign up to a charter of best practice, Mr Wyatt believes. "At the moment, they're getting away with it and there's not the will to change," he said.

"I sent the speaker at least four pages of truly disgusting colour photos that had found their way into my in-box and have asked four times for an adjournment debate in the House of Commons but it still hasn't been discussed."

The problem was exacerbated by the fact that many pornographic emails were now disguised as innocent communications, said the MP for Sittingbourne and Sheppy, who after a career in publishing launched the Sky Computer Channel for BSkyB.

He also attacked Conservative leader Ian Duncan Smith, who recently called for a new law to prevent paedophiles "grooming" children on the internet to become potential targets for abuse.

Mr Duncan Smith had failed to understand the problem, said Mr Wyatt, adding that very few MPs understood the internet industry.

Mr Wyatt will also push for an amendment to the forthcoming communications bill, making internet service providers responsible for content in the same way as broadcasters.

"Channel 5 is responsible for what it shows, so why shouldn't ISPs take responsibility for what is carried over their networks," he said.

Such a move would force ISPs to apply for licences in the same way as TV and radio broadcasters and agree to a series of public service standards, which would be monitored by new regulator Ofcom.

ISPs strongly oppose any such move, arguing they are merely providing the infrastructure and not the content.

The problem with junk mail has escalated as work email addresses are easy to guess.

Much of the junk, including porn adverts, is sent from outside the EU and are virtually impossible to trace.

New EU laws to govern spam emails were finally agreed in May after months of debate, but are likely to do little to stem the flow of emails promoting get rich quick schemes, pornography and chain letters.


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