Irish film-maker Juanita Wilson has made a gruellingly tough drama about the nightmare of the Bosnian war, based on a 1999 novel by the Croatian writer Slavenka Drakulic. It shows Samira (Natasha Petrovic) from Sarajevo, taking a summer job in a remote village as a replacement schoolteacher; she is rounded up with everyone else as part of a brutal exercise in ethnic cleansing and kept in an internment camp where she is repeatedly raped, and is finally forced to make sickening compromises in order to survive. There are some pretty unwatchable scenes here and the film brings back the unspeakable horror of a conflict in which barbarities were carried out under the very noses of European governments whose postwar mantra had been "never again". Petrovic gives a good performance in this grim and bitter film, but in some ways it comes alive most in its final section, an eerie coda taking place some time after the conflict, in which Samira must come to terms with what she has lived through and the legacy of the brutality. An impressive work from Wilson, already an Oscar-nominee for her short film The Door.
As If I Am Not There – review
A film about the appalling experiences of a woman subjected to ethnic cleansing during the Bosnian war in the 1990s, that is grim but rewarding