Xan Brooks 

Baftas 2014 liveblog – as it happened

Xan Brooks ushers us through a night that gave best picture and actor to 12 Years a Slave, but six other gongs to Gravity

Prince William settles in for the Baftas.
Prince William settles in for the Baftas. Photograph: Johnny Birch/BAFTA/REX Photograph: Johnny Birch/BAFTA/REX


Well, that’s about it from the Undead Bafta Blog, coming not quite live from the Royal Opera House where the awards ceremony wrapped up about two hours ago. By this point, we’re guessing, the winners are in their cups and the losers are at the airport and the cleaning staff are searching celebrity memorabilia in the aisles of the auditoreum.

It was a great night for Gravity and 12 Years a Slave, which now move towards Oscar with a full head of steam. We’re back two Sundays from now to liveblog the Academy Awards, live and as they happen. But for the meantime, thanks for sticking with us. This insubstantial pageant has faded. Roll the credits and please pass the remote. We are now officially done and dusted.


The Bafta scorecard

Here’s how the awards break down as Bafta night lumbers towards the exit door.

Gravity - 6
(Editing, Sound, Music, SFX, Best British film, Director)
American Hustle - 3
(Make-up and hair, Best supporting actress, Best original screenplay)

12 Years a Slave - 2
(Best picture, Actor)

The Great Gatsby - 2
(Production design, Costume)

Blue Jasmine - 1
(Best actress)

Captain Phillips - 1
(Best supporting actor)

Philomena - 1
(Adapted screenplay)

The Great Beauty - 1
(Foreign language)

The Act of Killing -1

Frozen - 1

- 1


It all ends with Mirren

Helen Mirren wafts on to the stage like a breath of fresh air. She’s the perfect emollient at the end of a hectic event, a vision of elegance and refinement who strikes just the right. She thanks her late teacher, “Mrs Welding” who first introduced her to art and literature, and encourages everyone in the audience to applaud their favourite teachers too. She rounds off her speech by quoting from The Tempest - and she delivers the lines beautifully. “My little life is rounded with this Bafta,” she says.


From the sublime to the ridiculous

Make way, make way for Jeremy Irons. He is accompanied to the stage by his young friend, the Duke of Cambridge. They are not here to ask the guests to make sure they have collected all their possessions on their way out of the auditoreum. Nor are they here to bestow a knighthood on Stephen Fry, who is loitering at the side of the stage, seemingly more in hope than expectation. Instead they come to give a Bafta fellowship to Helen Mirren and to usher us, gracefully, through a whistle-stop clip-reel of her glittering life and times.


12 Years a Slave wins the best film Bafta

Gravity may have dominated the bulk of the night, picking up awards for director and “outstanding British film” among a host of others. But at the end of the night, it’s time for 12 Years a Slave to surge to fore. Steve McQueen’s shattering slave drama wins the crowning prize of the night, an award to set alongside Chiwetel Ejiofor’s best actor statue. At the podium, McQueen heaps praise upon his actors and behind-the-scenes collaborators, including Film4’s Tessa Ross.

The director wraps up on a sober note. ”Right now there are 21m people in slavery,” he states. “I just hope that in 15o years from now, we will not need a film-maker to make a film like this one.”

• Full story: Slave wins picture


It's over, it's over, it's very nearly over

Time, at last, for the best picture Bafta.

One last look at the best film nominees …

12 Years a Slave.


American Hustle.


Captain Phillips.

Cate Blanchett is Bafta's best actress

In recent weeks the awards chances of Woody Allen’s acclaimed Blue Jasmine have been hit hard by the cacophonous noises-off of the accusations directed at its creator. But desp ite, as she says, being sat far back in “row-G”, Cate Blanchett sails through the storms to collect the best actor Bafta for her turn as a trophy wife fallen on hard times. She sparks instant, heartfelt applause for dedicating her award to the late Philip Seymour Hoffman. ”Phil, you bastard, this is for you,” she says. “I hope you’re proud.”

So Blanchett takes best actress. Now only one question remains: can she repeat the feat on Oscar night?

• Full story: Blanchett wins


Bafta best actress

Here are the nominees …

Cate Blanchett as a modern-day Blanche DuBois in Blue Jasmine.

Judi Dench on the trail of her adult son in Philomena.

Sandra Bullock, spinning through space in Gravity.

Emma Thompson playing PL Travers in Saving Mr Banks.

Amy Adams grifting to glory in American Hustle.

Alfonso Cuaron named best director

He was the great Mexican film-maker who directed two American actors in what was (officially) the year’s outstanding British film. And now Alfonso Cuaron has won the best director Bafta.

“You might not tell it from my accent, but I consider myself a part of the British film industry - I have lived in London for the past 13 years,” he quips. “You might see me as a good argument for curbing immigration.”

• Full story: Cuaron wins


The best director Bafta

And the nominees are …

Alfonso Cuaron for Gravity.

Steve McQueen for 12 Years a Slave.

David O Russell, American Hustle.

Martin Scorsese for The Wolf of Wall Street.

Paul Greengrass for Captain Phillips.

Chiwetel Ejiofor wins the Bafta acting prize

If he hadn’t the roof would have caved in and the sky would rain fire. Chiwetel Ejiofor was always the heavy favourite to take this prize for his brilliantly restrained and foreful turn as imprisoned Solomon Northup, but the announcement still prompts a mass standing ovation. “Wow, wow, wow,” says Ejiofor who then insists that this prize rightfully belongs to his director, Steve McQueen.

“I’m going to keep it,” he adds. “But it is still yours. You know that.“ Ejiofor goes on to thank his mother, “who is here” and his late father, who is not. “I love you,” he tells them both. It is probably the night’s most purely moving speech, topping one of the night’s most richly deserved decisions.

• Full story: Ejiofor wins


Best actor

The last time I saw Uma Thurman she was rearing up for an eye-popping cameo in the new Lars von Trier film, brilliantly playing a wronged wife on a mission of vengeance and brightly asking if she could show her children ”the whoring bed”. On this occasion, she is graceful as a willow, clad in classy black and running us through this year’s best actor hopefuls.

Bring out the nominees …

Chiwetel Ejiofor for his role as Solomon Northup in 12 Years a Slave.

Leonardo DiCaprio, gobbling ludes as The Wolf of Wall Street.

Bruce Dern chasing a cool million through Nebraska.

Tom Hanks battling pirates as Captain Phillips.

Christian Bale at war with his hair-piece in American Hustle.


Bringing out the dead

The Bafta clip-reel waves goodbye to the recently departed. Look, there goes Shirley Temple and Philip Seymour Hoffman, Joan Fontaine and Saul Zaentz, Harry Harryhausen and Paul Walker, Peter O’Toole and Ruth Prawer Jhablava and so many more.

But wait: bear in mind that this very Bafta ceremony is itself already in the past. It actually wrapped up about 90-minutes ago. All of the guests we are currently watching are now probably drinking themselves sick at the post-Bafta dinner. But some of them, conceivably, are dead. It is certainly not impossible. And this knowledge, for some reason, makes this Bafta elegy feel all the more poignant.

And with that we’re in to another glittering homage. This one is to Gravity, a nominee for the best film Bafta and the awards frontrunner so far.


EE Rising Star award

Enough with the judges and out with the insiders. The EE Rising Star award is voting by the great British public - by you, and me, and my drunk great aunt, and the guy who always sits on the top deck of the 19 bus, shouting about the government. It transpires that we really, really like 20-year-old Will Poulter, who played the sweet, virginal kid in the Hollywood comedy Meet the Millers.

“I almost cried watching the other people come up to collect their awards,” admits Poulter, who goes on to confess that he always cries when he watches the Pixar cartoon Finding Nemo. He goes on to pay breathless homage to his fellow rising star nominees, before waving exhaustedly to the aisles and staggering out to the wings.


Adapted screenplay

Most pundits reckoned the adapted screenplay Bafta was set fair to go to John Ridley’s version of Solomon Northup’s 12 Years a Slave. But no - it’s a win for Philomena, written by Steve Coogan and Jeff Pope from the book by Martin Sixsmith. On stage, Coogan pays tribute to “the real Philomena Lee”, who met the Pope just a fortnight ago. “Her story has been heard,” says Coogan. “But there are countless women whose stories have yet to be heard.”


Homage to 12 Years a Slave

It’s the abridged version, with everything all crammed together, tripping over itself. It’s 90 Seconds a Slave, directed at a terrific clip by Steve McQueen.

Original screenplay

And the Bafta for best original writing goes to Eric Warren Singer and David O Russell for American Hustle. I confess that I would rather seen this one fall to Inside Llewyn Davis, or possibly Nebraska, but the judges plump for Singer and Russell’s undeniably entertaining shaggy-dog story.

Singer starts his speech with an intriguing confession. “I was breastfed for years,” he tells the audience. “On British cinema.”

Full story: Hustle takes original screenplay, Philomena original


Outstanding contribution

Peter Greenaway is exacting, challenging, forbidding - and often exasperating. But now, the sharp-suited recessive gene of British cinema (who feels that film has missed its calling as a visual language and longs to throw out narrative altogether) is the recipient of the “outstanding contribution to British cinema” Bafta, an honorary award for his extraordinary back catalogue.

The great director turned 71 last birthday. When I interviewed him in Rome, back at the end of 2012, he told me that he plans to kill himself at the age of 80. If that’s the case, Bafta could have waited another nine years to give him his due.

Greenaway accepts his Bafta with the peeved, formal air of a respected old college professor being given his carriage clock. “It’s an encouragement,” he says. “Not only to me, but to all those who believe that cinema continually needs to be reinvented.”

• Full story: Greenaway wins outstanding contribution


Homage to Philomena

Steve Coogan and Judi Dench drive through the Irish and American countryside, bickering and bonding as they go. If Steve Coogan ever needs a Rob Brydon replacement for a third series of The Trip, he now knows who to ask.


Jennifer Lawrence wins the best supporting actress Bafta

Some thought it would go to Lupita Nyong’o for 12 Years a Slave. Others tipped Sally Hawkins for Blue Jasmine. But instead it goes to J-Law for her turn as a suburban powerhouse in David O Russell’s gidding con-man caper. Lawrence, sad to see, isn’t in the auditorium tonight. She’s probably holed up at home, revising the fifth draft of her Oscar acceptance speech.

• Full story: Lawrence wins best supporting actress


Best supporting actress

Up comes the wolfman, Leonardo DiCaprio. And he is brandishing an envelope.

And the nominees are …

Jennifer Lawrence as the Picasso of passive-aggression in American Hustle.

Sally Hawkins as the harried sister in Blue Jasmine.

Julia Roberts playing prodigal daughter in August: Osage County.

Lupita Nyong’o as the anguished Patsy in 12 Years a Slave.

Oprah Winfrey as The Butler’s wife.


Cinematography Bafta

And the Bafta for best cinematography goes to Emmanuel Lubezky for Gravity. Lubezky, it turns out, is off shooting another picture, so the prize is collected on his behalf by director Alfonso Cuaron. It’s hard luck for the other great cinematographers on the shortlist (arguably the strongest category of the night), but a fitting reward for what may well be the most intoxicating, immersive 3D film of them all. Gravity now eases ahead of the competition with two awards to its name.

Homage to Captain Phillips

The darting camera, the mounting tension. Captain Phillips looks good. I’d quite like to see Paul Greengrass and Barry Ackroyd direct these Baftas.

Barkhad Abdi wins best supporting actor

Hang on to your seat backs, it’s the first big surprise of this year’s Bafta night. Barkhad Abdi upends bookies’ favourite Michael Fassbender to win the best supporting actor award for his terrific performance as Tom Hanks‘s nemesis in Captain Phillips. On stage, he thanks director Paul Greengrass, his exulted co-star and all his fellow pirate actors “who came from nowhere - and got this”. He brandishes his Bafta and then bolts for the wings.

• Full news: Abdi wins best supporting actor


Best supporting actor

Introduced (fondly, of course) by Stephen Fry as a pile of “stinking offal”, Emma Thompson swaggers up to announce this year’s best supporting actor prize.

And the nominees are …

Michael Fassbender as the brutish plantation boss in 12 Years a Slave.

Barkhad Adbi as the desperate Somali pirate in Captain Phillips.

Daniel Bruhl as ice-cool Niki Lauda in Rush.

Bradley Cooper on the trail of con-men in American Hustle.

Matt Damon as a brocaded chauffeur in Behind the Candelabra.


Outstanding British debut

Maybe one day, when Stephen Fry decides to hang up his bow-tie, Bafta can convince Steve Coogan to host this shebang. For the time being, however, he’s too busy making films and scrapping for awards and the most he can offer is a guest-slot as presenter. Coogan is here to present the Bafta for outstanding British debut and it goes to Kieran Evans for his acclaimed social-realist romance Kelly + Victor.

Does this count as the first surprise of the night? Kieran Evans, for one, can hardly believe it. He clutches his head, staggers to the podium and burbles his thanks. He winds up his speech by paying tribute to his two infant sons; to his mum who showed him films as a kid, and to jis dad who drove him to art college. “They are the reason I am here today,” he says.


Homage to American Hustle

Bafta takes a break from the ceremony to run what looks like the electronic press kit for David O Russell’s American Hustle. The actors line up to tell us that American Hustle is great. I’m not sure this is going to cut any ice with the judges, who have presumably all voted by now. American Hustle, for the record, is pretty great. But I don’t think it’s going to win the best film Bafta. And no, that’s not a spoiler.


The Baftas: re-animated

Gillian Anderson and David Oyelowo amble on stage to deliver the animation award to Frozen, the tale of two contrasting sisters and a virtual world of icicles. It’s a well-deserved winner, and one that was widely predicted.


Outstanding British film

Make way for Oprah Winfrey, here to present the first award of the night. Oprah was arguably the one decent element in The Butler and has been rewarded for a best supporting actress nomination for her trouble. But she here, on this occasion at least, to announce the finest British picture of 2013.

And this year’s outstanding British film is Alfonso Cuaron’s superbly tense and involving Gravity. Yes, it was set in space, written and directed by Mexicans and starred a brace of American stars. But it’s officially homemade, on account of its producer (David Heyman), its use of Pinewood and Shepperton studios and its post-production work at the Framestore in London.

So that’s official: Gravity is one of our own and thank heavens for that. All hail this year’s outstanding British production, the glorious product of a rainbow nation. From the posh seats at the front, Prince William (formerly of the house of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha) is only too happy to clap its success.

• Full news: Gravity wins best British film


Frying tonight

Out host this year, as it seems to be all years, is Mr Stephen Fry, who is as rich as molasses and as smooth as satin. He confesses that he enjoyed 12 Years a Slave so much that he wished it had been called 24 Years a Slave and cajoles a pained but game Leonardo DiCaprio into blowing a kiss to the camera. He then pays tribute to Emma Thompson for “representing the over-70s” and ruefully misidentifies Prince William as Helen Mirren’s grandson. This has, he says, been “an absolute belter of a year in film”, which sounds about right and is a nice note to end his monologue.

And with that the introductions are complete. Tiny Tempah and Laura Mvula come swinging through the audience to provide what is (I’m guessing) the first song of what may well be many. Possibly too many.

And here’s the unexpected moment where Tinie Tempah high-fived Prince William.


The Baftas begin

Eddie Redmayne says he is very excited and he looks in the pink of health. Last year, if you recall, he was due to present an award alongside Sally Field, but had to excuse himself at the last minute to run off and be sick instead. It’s good to see him back at the scene of such bygone horrors. He has been reassured that Sally Field is not in the house this year.


Spoiler warning

Did we promise there would be no spoilers on this blog? Sad to say we cannot legislate for below the line posters. If you absolutely-positively do not want to know who has (yes, already) won tonight’s Baftas, please tread carefully when you venture south of the border. Avert your eyes, folks. Nothing to see down there.


The stars on parade

Out to the sidelines, Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt are signing autographs, dressed for the occasion in matching his-and-her tuxedoes.

Under the floodlights, Bowman buttonholes Leonardo DiCaprio who insists that he wants to make more films like The Wolf of Wall Street and lobbied hard to secure the role of wild-eyed Jordan Belfort. Thank goodness director Martin Scorsese never heard Oprah Winfrey’s impromtu tour-de-force as a foghorning English drunk. He may well have opted to go with her instead.

Seconds later it’s the turn of Tom Hanks, who is now talking to Bowman about the “two sides of the opportunity coin”, whatever that may be. Hanks has two films in the frame tonight: the excellent piracy drama Captain Phillips and the rather less excellent Disney biopic Saving Mr Banks. Bowman tells Hanks that she loves him, which would normally count as an invitation to further dioscourse. On awards night, it turns out, it is Hanks cue to leave. He thanks her for kindness and beats a hasty dash towards the door.


Red carpet blues

The guests are gathering outside the Royal Opera House. Out on the carpet, the BBC’s host Edith Bowman waves her microphone, flashes her grin and greets the likes of Amy Adams (nominated as best actress for American Hustle) and Steve Coogan (up for the best film and “outstanding British film” Bafta for his lovely Philomena). Coogan swears blind that he has no victory speech prepared. In the (unlikely) event of him winning, he plans to “be spontaneous.”

The carpet is thronged; it’s standing room only. Coogan is barely out of frame when up comes Oprah Winfrey (nominated for The Butler), who explains in a rush that she was “stitched into” her dress while being driven from the hotel.

Ophah insists that she is honoured to be up for a Bafta and even attempts an English accent to show just how much she is trying to fit in. Her idea of an English accent calls to mind Leonardo DiCaprio’s slurred delivery, while loaded on quaaludes in the country club scene out of The Wolf of Wall Street. Bowman laughs gamely, but she looks a little stricken.


No spoilers

This, we feel, is the USP of the Undead Bafta Blog. Those suited and gowned dignitaries at the Royal Opera House already know who has won the Bafta for best costume design and the prize for outstanding Briotish debut. But we shall be watching the awards as they were always meant to be watched. Off the telly, on a two-hour tape delay. The one thing we can guarantee is that there will be no spoilers, assuming Stephen Fry doesn’t come storming in to the Guardian office to grab the keyboard and start typing out the winners. He’s never done this before, so there is no reason to believe that he will do so tonight. No spoilers.


For those who like spoilers …


The times they are a-changing

High time for a few orders of business. In previous years we have liveblogged the Baftas from a perch inside the opera house, typing in a fury to bring you the results as they occur; the text awash with typos and riddled with spoilers. This year, however, we are adopting a different tack. We’re camped out in the Guardian office, abiding by the tape-delay and matching our rhythm to the BBC transmission.

To misquote Magritte, this is not quite a Bafta liveblog. What we have here a bold new experiment: a “ceremony watchalong”. You might prefer to think of it as undead blog.

If it goes well, we may even see if this zombie has legs. We can send it running deep into the BBC vaults, to unearth another bygone transmissions. We might hop straight from here to start blogging the 1978 Baftas, a classic from the attic that was hosted by Dick Emery and lavished acting honours on Robin Askwith and Nerys Hughes. The big showstopping musical number that year came courtesy of Arthur Mullard and Hylda Baker’s rousing rendition of You’re the One That I Want. It’s safe to assume there was not a dry eye in the house.


Top of the night

Hello, good evening and welcome to this year’s British Academy film awards, all delivered with a spoonful of sugar and a rumble of applause from the Royal Opera House in London.

The tale of the tape suggests that the night will mainly play out as a three-horse race. Gravity leads the pack with 11 nominations, closely followed by American Hustle and 12 Years a Slave, which have 10 apiece. Or to put it another way, this year’s Baftas are a battle between the disaster movie, the crime caper and the sobering history lesson about a disatrous crime.

The smart money, it seems, is on 12 Years a Slave to scoop the crowning best film prize. But time will tell and there may (God willing, crossed fingers) be a few surprises along the way.


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