Stuart Heritage 

Do you know your kneejerk Twitter storms? – quiz

Stuart Heritage: Can you tell the difference between a real douchebag and a hoax designed to enrage the internet? Find out with our test

  1. The man who livetweeted an argument with an aggrieved passenger during a flight, up to and including the moment she slapped his face for saying, “Eat my dick.”

    1. Real

    2. Fake

  2. The customer who wrote the following on a restaurant receipt: “I’m sorry but I cannot tip because I don’t agree with your lifestyle & how you live your life.”

    1. Real

    2. Fake

  3. The rapper who, when asked if he was guilty of assaulting a soldier during a trial, replied: “Bitch, I might be.”

    1. Real

    2. Fake

  4. The Papa John’s employee who entered a customer’s name as “lady chinky eyes” on a receipt.

    1. Real

    2. Fake

  5. The news organisation that named the pilots involved in a South Korean plane crash as "Ho Lee Fuk" and "Bang Ding Ow".

    1. Real

    2. Fake

  6. The Kardashian who tweeted: “Nigeria is such a disgusting country. I couldn’t wait to leave. lol Scott said their women look like apes and I agree.”

    1. Real

    2. Fake

  7. The woman who handed out letters to children at Halloween telling them that they were too fat for sweets.

    1. Real

    2. Fake

  8. The passenger who wrote a letter of complaint to an airline for having to sit next to an obese man who “smells like the decaying anus of a deceased homeless man”.

    1. Real

    2. Fake

  9. The enormous snake that ate a woman whole in South Africa.

    1. Real

    2. Fake

  10. The corporate communications director who tweeted: “Going to Africa. Hope I don’t get Aids. Just kidding. I’m white!”

    1. Real

    2. Fake


1:B, 2:B, 3:B, 4:A, 5:A, 6:B, 7:B, 8:A, 9:B, 10:A


  1. 0 and above.

    You poor gullible sap. You live in such a perpetually boiling bubble of outrage that you don’t even have time to factcheck before writing a billion agenda-pushing tweets about whatever’s shoved under your nose. Try doing some research before you react, you big baby.

  2. 1 and above.

    You poor gullible sap. You live in such a perpetually boiling bubble of outrage that you don’t even have time to factcheck before writing a billion agenda-pushing tweets about whatever’s shoved under your nose. Try doing some research before you react, you big baby.

  3. 2 and above.

    You poor gullible sap. You live in such a perpetually boiling bubble of outrage that you don’t even have time to factcheck before writing a billion agenda-pushing tweets about whatever’s shoved under your nose. Try doing some research before you react, you big baby.

  4. 3 and above.

    You poor gullible sap. You live in such a perpetually boiling bubble of outrage that you don’t even have time to factcheck before writing a billion agenda-pushing tweets about whatever’s shoved under your nose. Try doing some research before you react, you big baby.

  5. 4 and above.

    Well done, you’re a human being. Sometimes your hunches are right, and sometimes you can be just as guilty as anyone else of getting sucked into scams. You’ll never be perfect, and you’re happy with that. You shouldn’t be, but you are.

  6. 5 and above.

    Well done, you’re a human being. Sometimes your hunches are right, and sometimes you can be just as guilty as anyone else of getting sucked into scams. You’ll never be perfect, and you’re happy with that. You shouldn’t be, but you are.

  7. 6 and above.

    Well done, you’re a human being. Sometimes your hunches are right, and sometimes you can be just as guilty as anyone else of getting sucked into scams. You’ll never be perfect, and you’re happy with that. You shouldn’t be, but you are.

  8. 7 and above.

    Well done, you’re a human being. Sometimes your hunches are right, and sometimes you can be just as guilty as anyone else of getting sucked into scams. You’ll never be perfect, and you’re happy with that. You shouldn’t be, but you are.

  9. 8 and above.

    There are no flies on you. Whenever anything goes viral, you’re first at the scene with your CSI kit, carefully checking for traces of inauthenticity. You’re measured and rational and, as a consequence, the least fun person on the planet.

  10. 9 and above.

    There are no flies on you. Whenever anything goes viral, you’re first at the scene with your CSI kit, carefully checking for traces of inauthenticity. You’re measured and rational and, as a consequence, the least fun person on the planet.

  11. 10 and above.

    There are no flies on you. Whenever anything goes viral, you’re first at the scene with your CSI kit, carefully checking for traces of inauthenticity. You’re measured and rational and, as a consequence, the least fun person on the planet.


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