For me, the gorgeous confectionery of George and Ira Gershwin's songs can't entirely sweeten this 1957 musical directed by Stanley Donen, now on re-release. I confess to finding it, sometimes, a bit mannered and grating. Kay Thompson plays Maggie Prescott, a terrifying New York fashion mag editor gearing up for a Paris trip and looking for the next big thing. Super-famous photographer Dick Avery (Fred Astaire) commandeers a Greenwich Village bookstore for an elaborate shoot, and finds himself captivated by the shy, intellectual young woman in charge: this is Jo, played by Audrey Hepburn. On the spot, he realises that, in his hands, Jo could be the Eliza Doolittle of the fashion world. This brainy beauty will be a sensation. Of course they fall in love. Hepburn is in the boho-gamine mode, and this has a brittle charm, (arguably more than in Breakfast At Tiffany's four years later) but there is something unconvincing in the May-to-December pairing of 28-year-old Hepburn and 58-year-old Astaire and also something grumpy and not particularly classy about the way this film shrieks with laughter at silly modern women filling their empty heads with trendy Parisian intellectualism. Well, Astaire could still dance up a storm, no doubt about it, and this has its moments.