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Painting a charming cartoon vision of the world's destruction by zombies, Garden Warfare transplants PopCap's brilliant tower-defence game into a third-person shooter. With four roles on each team – from gunner to medic – all are spiced up by amusingly outlandish costumes, unique powers and equipment. Garden Ops is nearest to the original, getting you to defend a patch of shrubbery against waves of cute undead. The other multiplayer games boil down to team and individual death matches and something similar to Battlefield's rush mode. With a more stately pace than most shoot 'em ups, healing and playing your part in a team are at least as important as accuracy and a fast trigger finger. Although unlikely to unglue the masses from Call Of Duty or next week's awesome giant-robot game, Titanfall, this is a fun multiplayer shooter that won't emotionally scar your children.