We are going to ask you to suspend belief for a little while as some of our viral videos are quite a stretch of the imagination. We kick off with a wonderful Beatles spoof in which Fred Armisen joins the Fab Four on the Jimmy Fallon show as they try to use the powers of new technology to bring their brand to America. They'll have to think about changing the titles of some of those hits … With a little help from My Facebook Friends, Ain't She Tweet, Lucy in the Skype with Diamonds ... can you think of any more?
While we are floating a few ideas, catch Belief – a video on a hover-skateboard based on the film Back to the Future. Stars who test the gliding super skateboard include Tony Hawk and the singer Moby. The one thing the hoverboard can't do is teleport – but don't worry, we have got Reese Witherspoon doing that during the Independent Spirit Awards.
There's also a surreal moment when a homeless man is duped into believing that he has won the lottery and our video Most Shocking Second a Day from Save the Children may also prompt a tear.
Finally, to cheer you up, we've got a glimpse of the new Paddington Bear movie, from the makers of the Harry Potter films, and a clip from Transformers: Age of Extinction, starring Mark Wahlberg. Go make that change!
Guardian Viral Video Chart. Compiled by Unruly Media and transformed by Janette
1. The Beatles Were Ahead of Their Time (Jimmy Fallon & Fred Armisen)
That'll be the day …
2. Belief
Hoverboarding for beginners
3. Reese Witherspoon Teleports
Legally blonde moment
4. Homeless Lottery Winner
Just the ticket
5. RT Anchor Quits on Air
Russian to make a point
6. Paddington - Official Teaser Trailer (2014) [HD]
Bearing up well
7. Most Shocking Second a Day Video
War child
8. 2Cellos - Thunderstruck
Spikey rock
9. Transformers: Age of Extinction Teaser Trailer
Machine dream
10. Benny Hill ravers
Watch your step
Source: Viral Video Chart. Compiled from data gathered at 14:00 on 06 February 2014. The Viral Video Chart is currently based on a count of the embedded videos and links on approximately 2m blogs, as well as Facebook and Twitter.