Nick Gillett 

This week’s games news

The Dark Below | Storm Island

The Dark Below
The Dark Below Photograph: PR

Game schedules shrivel up and die between mid-December and the end of January, and the only real action over the last few weeks has been in downloadable content. The Dark Below (PS3, PS4, Xbox One & Xbox 360, pictured) is the first expansion for the shooter-meets-massively-multiplayer-game Destiny. Its slightly miserly extra content comprises a single cinematic sequence that will leave you with just as many questions as when you started watching it; a few new raids, strikes, story missions and exotic weapons; a hover-bike that can do mid-air stunts; and the ability to level characters up to 32. Meanwhile Storm Island (Xbox One) for Forza Horizon 2 gives you the intermittently rain-lashed Isola Della Tempesta to drive around on, with its own set of 12 championships, as well as a variety of appropriately rugged off-road vehicles in which to enjoy the howling winds, horizontal rain and mud.


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