Maeve Murphy is the award-winning theatre and film director whose debut feature Silent Grace (2001) was a tough drama about Irish Republican hunger-strikers in women’s prisons. For her new movie, she has gone for a larky comedy caper – for me it didn’t gel, despite some divertingly surreal touches. Kelly Brook plays Kate, an out-of-work actor dumped by her boyfriend on the same day as being laid off from her humiliating stopgap job selling cutesy home furnishings. In a rage, she conceives a bizarre plan to rob this store of its cash takings, imitating her secret heroine, beret-wearing outlaw Bonnie Parker of Bonnie and Clyde fame. There are some nice exterior locations in King’s Cross, London: a nod to the Ealing classic The Ladykillers. It has a quirkiness that might have worked better on television.