Erika Milvy  

Shepard Fairey makes Idiocracy-inspired election artwork

The street artist whose Hope artwork became one of the defining images of the 2008 presidential campaign has turned his attention to Donald Trump

Shepard Fairey’s Idiocracy-inspired poster
Shepard Fairey’s Idiocracy-inspired poster. Photograph: Supplied

If you’ve seen the hashtags #IdiocracyToday and #PresidentCamacho, you’ll have realised that the 2006 box office flop Idiocracy is being embraced anew. Beavis and Butthead creator Mike Judge’s sci-fi comedy about a genetically dumbed down America is now being celebrated as prophetic cult classic. Or as Etan Cohen, one of the screenwriters, tweeted in February: “I never expected #Idiocracy to become a documentary.”

The film has a long-term fan in Shepard Fairey, the street artist who created the famous Hope poster in support of Barack Obama’s candidacy in 2008. When the film first came out, he says, and his wife Amanda noticed a correlation between Idiocracy and “the real dumbing down of American media we were witnessing even 10 years ago”.

Now, as part of a voter education movement he has called Make America Smart Again, Fairey has created limited edition Idiocracy-inspired posters which he will sell on Sunday, timed to coincide with the second presidential debate. The Mondo screen printer poster (designed with one of the movie’s most famous lines, “It’s got electrolytes” and MASA’s tag line “What brains crave!”) will be available for 72 hours, with all proceeds going to to the League of Women Voters.

Why did the street artist set up MASA? “I think that many voters don’t understand the issues in a way that is sophisticated enough for them to make good decisions,” Fairey told the Guardian. “Things are getting quite blurry. The 500-year marathon to the bottom turned out to be a 10-year sprint.”

Idiocracy is set in a dystopian America where a toxic combination of stupidity and consumerism has destroyed the environment and intellectually stunted society. In an Austin Powers-style situation, Joe, an army librarian played by Luke Wilson, is selected for a human hibernation experiment in 2005 and is awakened during the Great Garbage Avalanche of 2505. He soon learns that he is the smartest person in America. But no one will listen to him because “he talks like a fag”.

The president (played by Terry Crews) is Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho, a five-time Ultimate Smackdown champion and porn superstar. Firing off his assault rifle, he declares in his State of the Union address: “I know shit’s bad right now, with all that starving bullshit, and the dust storms [but] I got a three point plan to fix everything!”

Meanwhile the country is a wasteland with a nationwide famine brought on by widespread agricultural failure. Crops are hydrated with Brawndo, a Gatorade-type drink instead of water. “Brawndo’s got what plants crave. It’s got electrolytes,” claims the secretary of state, the much-quoted line that inspired Fairey. The Brawndo corporation owns the FDA and the FCC and their slogan is accepted science. (Last week, one tweeter observed that “But he’s a successful businessman” is the 2016 equivalent to “It’s got electrolytes”.)

The parallels are all too clear, and have been pointed out online through side-by-side clips and mashups of the Camancho and Trump’s rabble-rousing bombast. There’s even a “Movement to classify Idiocracy as documentary” with its own Facebook page.

On Tuesday night, while the vice-presidential candidates debated, Alamo Drafthouse screened Idiocracy in 45 theaters to packed houses across the country. “It is all right there, staring you in the face,” Tim League, the founder and CEO of the chain said. “We are clearly awash in an ‘Ow, my balls’ electorate” – a reference to the hit reality TV show within the movie, an assemblage of clips of men getting hit in the testicles.

Last week, MASA held their own screening of Idiocracy. Fairey moderated a discussion with Judge (who also co-created HBO’s Silicon Valley), Crews and Dax Shepard, who plays Frito, Joe’s Costco-trained lawyer.

“I love the way humor is used in Idiocracy to make the social critique more digestible,” Fairey says. “The movie is a harsh but necessary indictment of the anti-intellectual culture and politics that seem to become the norm more and more every day.”

The artist says that the film’s irony is that it’s “a somewhat lowbrow piece of entertainment about the perils of succumbing to a cultural rejection of anything intellectual or highbrow. In other words, the genius of the film is that it may actually get through to the audience it should reach, rather than just preaching to the intellectual elite.”

Asked how Make America Smart Again can promote Idiocracy as cautionary tale if it is a non-partisan group, Fairley said, “MASA is pro-truth and anti-stupidity, which one could argue is partisan in this election because of Trump’s behavior. But let’s face it, members of both parties have lied and appealed to the lowest common denominator. The point is that as voters we need to demand better from all the parties and all the candidates.”


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