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Hollywood condemns Terry Gilliam for #MeToo comments

Actors and directors criticise film-maker for likening movement to ‘mob rule’ and remarks about Weinstein scandal

Terry Gilliam’s comments were described as ‘idiotic and dangerous’.
Terry Gilliam’s comments were described as ‘idiotic and dangerous’. Photograph: Max Nash/AFP/Getty Images

The film director Terry Gilliam has come under fire from Hollywood actors and directors for comparing the #MeToo movement to “mob rule”.

The former Monty Python member suggested the anti-sexual harassment campaign had led to a “world of victims” in an interview with Agence France-Presse.

While describing Harvey Weinstein as a “monster”, he added that the disgraced producer was only exposed because he was such an “asshole”.

Gilliam said: “Harvey opened the door for a few people, a night with Harvey - that’s the price you pay.

“I think some people did very well out of meeting with Harvey and others didn’t. The ones who did, knew what they were doing. These are adults; we are talking about adults with a lot of ambition.”

He continued: “It’s like when mob rule takes over, the mob is out there, they are carrying their torches and they are going to burn down Frankenstein’s castle. It’s crazy how simplified things are becoming.”

Judd Apatow, who has directed films including The 40-Year-Old Virgin and Trainwreck, described Gilliam’s comments as “idiotic and dangerous”.

“He wasn’t in those rooms. He doesn’t know how aggressive and violent and terrifying he [Weinstein] was. Who is he to say it was some sort of offered deal? He should be ashamed of himself,” Apatow tweeted.

“I think Terry Gilliam is spewing nonsense. These were not transactions.
His comments about that aspect of this are shameful.”

His comments were retweeted by the actor Rosanna Arquette, while the comedian Sarah Silverman called on the 77-year-old Gilliam to understand empathy:

The actor Ellen Barkin tweeted: “Terry Gilliam, you talk too much”, adding:

Gilliam also told AFP that power had always been abused in the film world. “I don’t think Hollywood will change. Power takes advantage, it always does.”

He added that the great irony was that despite the #MeToo movement being in full flow, “a self-confessed pussy-grabber is the president of the US and is just walking around” unchallenged.


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