David Hambling 

How real-time weather data sprang from aid to gunners of 1916

Meteor telegrams, sent by the Royal Flying Corps to troops at the western front, paved the way to modern forecasting

First world war soldiers with artillery
British soldiers in the first world war used the new daily weather reports to adjust the firing of their artillery in relation to temperature, pressure, and wind speed and direction. Photograph: Bettmann/Bettmann Archive

A new type of weather report appeared on the western front in April 1916. The importance of weather to artillery barrages had become apparent. If the temperature, pressure or wind were different to standard firing-table conditions, shells would miss their target.

The necessary information for gunners to correct their aim was, from this date, provided by the new “meteor telegrams”.

Before this point, the Royal Engineers’ meteorology section measured the weather on the ground. But shells in flight were at altitudes where wind and other conditions could vary. So the Royal Flying Corps offered to provide wind speed data to assist in calibrating guns, and eventually planes were sent up every morning to report on wind speed and direction at 2,000ft and 4,000ft, and at lower altitudes in fog.

Some officers found the new reports confusing so an explanatory pamphlet was issued. Expertise soon increased, and the reports became more detailed, with wind, temperature and pressure readings taken at various altitudes. The telegrams became more frequent, and later seven updates were produced daily, distributed by radio.

The meteor telegram service showed how new technology could collect weather data in real time, which became a key part of modern forecasting.

David Hambling will be one of the panel of Weatherwatch contributors taking part in Freak Weather in History at the British Library on Wednesday 2 May, at 7pm


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