Guardian readers 

Tell us how GDPR has affected your organisation

How has becoming compliant played out in your workplace? What short and long term effects will the process have on the business?

The deadline looms.
The EU’s General Data Protection Regulation comes into force on Friday. Photograph: Alamy

The last minute frenzy to retain customers while still complying with new regulation won’t have escaped your inbox.

We would like to hear how the GDPR process has affected your workplace or business, and what you feel the consequences of compliance could be both in the short and long term.

How has the process worked in your company? How long have preparations been underway? How have they been communicated to wider staff as well as customers and the wider public? Have you lost a percentage of your customer base’s contact details? Do you work for a company that has had to take action or close services temporarily due to the deadline? If you are not inside the EU, we’d also like to hear from you.

Share your experiences

Get in touch via the encrypted form below to share your views and experiences. Whether you are a business owner, expert or staff member, tell us in what sector you work and how the process has directly affected you. Only the Guardian has access to your contributions and we’ll do our best to keep them secure. If you would like to remain anonymous, think carefully before sharing information that may identify you. We’ll highlight some of your responses as part of our coverage.

If you’re having trouble using the form, click here. You can read terms of service here.


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