Anna Tims 

Amazon delivered my parcel to a mysterious neighbour

It gave me a name and address that doesn’t exist … and I had to pay a fee to find out

Missed delivery … but it’s a mystery where the parcel landed up after that.
Missed delivery … but it’s a mystery where the parcel landed up after that. Photograph: Alamy

A friend paid Amazon £338 for an iPad to be delivered to me. Amazon’s delivery notification stated it had been delivered to a neighbour, a Michael Bradley at Flat 12. We do not have a neighbour by that name and flats within this postcode go no higher than six.

I checked, by paying a fee, to see if there was an M Bradley on the electoral roll. The nearest was several blocks away.

Amazon’s response is that they “believe the package was delivered to the correct address” because of “the timed geocode stamp of the delivery location”. PK, Scarborough

Myriad are the parcels delivered to recycling bins or tossed over hedges because delivery drivers on zero-hours contracts earn according to the number of parcels they offload.

Amazon declined to comment on your case, but performed a full U-turn when I got in touch. It’s now refunded your friend and issued a gift card as an apology.

If you need help email Anna Tims at or write to Your Problems, The Observer, Kings Place, 90 York Way, London N1 9GU. Include an address and phone number. Submission and publication are subject to our terms and conditions


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