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School climate strikes: share your photos, videos and stories

Pupils are planning to walk out of lessons in 60 countries on 15 March – if you are taking part we’d like to hear from you

School students go on strike over the lack of action on climate change
School students go on strike over the lack of action on climate change Photograph: Guy Bell/REX/Shutterstock

Strikes at schools around the world on 15 March are the latest in a snowballing global youth movement calling for action on climate change that began in Sweden in 2018 and now crosses continents.

Activity across 51 nations, including the first such nationwide strike in the US, where almost 500 events are listed under the banner FridaysForFuture, comes four months since Australia’s prime minister, Scott Morrison, told students taking part there to go home and “be less activist”. Thousands of pupils from Japan, Germany, Belgium and the UK among others have already walked out of lessons in recent months.

In 2018 a landmark UN report said there were 12 years left to avoid the worst impacts of climate breakdown from floods and heatwaves to food shortages and huge numbers of climate refugees. Now, the students striking from schools around the world have issued an uncompromising letter stating: “We are going to change the fate of humanity, whether you like it or not.”

We’d like to hear from young people around the world who are taking part in events on Friday, as well as parents and teachers, and find out more about the day from your perspective.

Share your views and experiences

Are you taking part? If so, what are your reasons for doing so and what specifically does it involve where you live? If you’re a parent or teacher, do you support the strikes?

Wherever in the world you are fill in the form below to get in touch – you can also upload video or photographs. We will feature some of your contributions as part of our coverage, including a report on the day via Instagram Stories on the Guardian’s account. You can also share your stories, photos and videos with the Guardian via WhatsApp by adding the contact +44(0)7867825056.

If you’re under 16 you’ll need to get your parents’ permission before you send a response to us. We will get in touch to confirm this with you.

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