Catherine Shoard 

Ralph Fiennes on what he sees in the mirror

The actor and director answered your questions about the films he’d like to make, who he’s learned most from and enjoying getting naked on set

Ralph Fiennes
Questions, please … Ralph Fiennes. Photograph: Suki Dhanda/The Observer

Your questions answered by Ralph Fiennes

Along with sharing why he chooses to live with a thin skin, Ralph Fiennes answered your questions on his role as Rudolph Nureyev’s gentle ballet instructor in The White Crow, his third film as director (following Coriolanus and The Invisible Woman).

Up next for Fiennes is the Kingsman prequel, which he’s currently filming, the new James Bond movie, in which he plays M, and a film about GCHQ whistleblower Katherine Gun.

He talked to us about his hardest ever role, childhood memories in Ireland and the heroine he’d like to make a film about. Scroll through his answers below …


That’s all from Ralph!

User avatar for RalphFiennes Guardian contributor

I’ve enjoyed some of these questions, not all of them - but thank you very much. It was often challenging.

PekoeTheCat asks:

Which actor have you learned the most from while working on a film?

User avatar for RalphFiennes Guardian contributor

I think I've learned the most from working with Vanessa Redgrave.

'Looking in the mirror gets increasingly uncomfortable'

LordPein asks:

What do you see when you look in a mirror? Is there a “you” that is never lost even after so many movies?

User avatar for RalphFiennes Guardian contributor

Looking in the mirror gets increasingly uncomfortable. If there’s a you that’s never lost it’s not the one I see in the mirror. It’s the one that’s inside you: your deeper self, I suppose. What you see in the mirror is just decaying flesh.

'Being bruised is part of life – you have to learn to live with it'

JoannaTroha asks:

Do you find it difficult to balance what must presumably be a thick skin to deal with an industry that involves a lot of rejection and criticism with a thin skin that can empathise and sustain curiosity in such a wide variety of characters?

User avatar for RalphFiennes Guardian contributor

It's a good question. And you're right it is a difficult balance. But I'd rather have the thin skin which I interpret as having openness and sensitivity to the work you're involved in - and yes, sustaining curiosity - that's the most important. Being bruised by shit is part of life - and you have to learn to live with it.

LethalLiaison asks:

Strange Days is a massively underrated, seemingly forgotten film with a great cast. Why do you think it never gets more kudos?

User avatar for RalphFiennes Guardian contributor

I always thought Kathryn Bigelow made a great film. I was disappointed at the time that it got quite a mixed response. I worry that people didn't buy me as an ex-LAPD cop and perhaps an American actor might have been better. But I loved playing Lenny Nero and gave it my heart and soul.

Rockchick76 asks:

What are your favourite memories of shooting The English Patient – and did you keep anything from the set?

User avatar for RalphFiennes Guardian contributor

I remember the excitement when we arrived in Tunisia to shoot the desert sequences. I have a vivid memory of being taken up in the one the period biplanes we were using and watching the camels moving across the sand below me. I loved shooting in the desert. I kept a lot of shirts.

ID9059125 asks:

If you could bring an actor back from the dead and star with them on stage, who would it be?

User avatar for RalphFiennes Guardian contributor

Well it would be exciting to play opposite a great actor from the past of whom there is no recording - ie David Garrick, Eleonora Duse, Sarah Bernhardt. In my first job at the National Theatre I worked with three great actors who have now sadly died - Richard Pascoe, Robin Bailey and Alec McCowan. When I was at the National recently, I had the clearest memories of greeting them in the corridor or saying goodnight after a performance and I thought how wonderful it would be to meet them again on the stage.

Sylvia99 asks:

Fans beleaguer you at official and other occasions. Does being the focus of relentless attention affect your approach to the world and people?

User avatar for RalphFiennes Guardian contributor

Well you expect to be beleaguered at official/ industry occasions - it goes with the territory. I don't really feel I'm the focus of relentless attention but of course if you're promoting a film - which is what I'm doing now - you're going to get attention. I know I can be irritable and impatient caught off guard by a fan at the wrong moment. But I'm trying to keep my feet on the ground.


'I don't think I would have been very good as James Bond'

teabags12 asks:

Do you enjoy playing M and were you at any stage under serious consideration for the role of James Bond?

User avatar for RalphFiennes Guardian contributor

I enjoying playing M. I certainly had big shoes to fill, succeeding Judi Dench who was a brilliant M.
There was a discussion, once, some years ago, about my playing 007. I don't think I would have been very good, but I did feel that I could have had a crack at it if it had been set in the 1950s. I love the books and I always saw them in black and white, gritty, noirish and very dangerous. And probably very politically incorrect!

TheJackCaramac asks:

The comedian Peter Serafinowicz does an impersonation of you as being more like Leonard Rossiter playing Rigsby in Rising Damp. Have you seen this impression of you and, if so, what did you think of it?

User avatar for RalphFiennes Guardian contributor

I've read so many reviews where I've been compared to Leonard Rossiter. He was a great comic actor. But I don't feel the resemblance - but I can see there's something in the nose-y thing and the receding hair.

IKaireeI asks:

Which character did you have the hardest time becoming and why?

User avatar for RalphFiennes Guardian contributor

The truth is I found it really hard playing the young Republican senator in Maid in Manhattan. I was flattered to be asked to play opposite J-Lo. But quickly realised that my Prince Charming role didn’t have much grit. It amused me to read that in a recent Guardian breakdown of J-Lo’s films it was considered that I’d let down the film by coming across as a serial killer.

Kyliebug19 asks:

Was there ever a role you passed on and later wished you had taken?

User avatar for RalphFiennes Guardian contributor

I know I passed on roles that someone else has had a great success in but I have no regrets. I like to stand by the choices I made.

Scott McLennan asks:

If you were able to relive another person’s memories, like your character Lenny Nero in the excellent film Strange Days, whose experiences would you choose?

User avatar for RalphFiennes Guardian contributor

It's a good question but on reflection I think I would feel uncomfortable reliving another person's memories. It feels invasive.

KHansen60 asks:

What is your favourite childhood memory of Sheep’s Head peninsula?

User avatar for RalphFiennes Guardian contributor

My father built a house on the Sheep’s Head Peninsula in West Cork in 1973. It was a stunning location. A shingle strand creating a small bay behind which was a freshwater lake backed by mountains. In the evening swans would come in and land on the lake. My father took us out mackerel fishing in a small boat. The memories are very strong, but I've not been back. I would like to return.

JoanneEmery asks:

Would you consider making a film about a female leader and innovator? If so, who?

User avatar for RalphFiennes Guardian contributor

Yes, absolutely I would. The story of Mary Seacole - who was a British/Jamaican businesswoman and nurse who looked after soldiers during the Crimean War - seems to me a great story.

'The most fun I've had on set was taking off my clothes and dancing in A Bigger Splash'

mrskite asks:

What was the most fun you’ve ever had on a film set and why?

User avatar for RalphFiennes Guardian contributor

I had the most fun working on Luca Guadagnino's film A Bigger Splash. Why was it fun? Because I got to dance to the Rolling Stones and take off all my clothes.


bonhomie20 asks:

What are you currently reading? Can you recommend something?

User avatar for RalphFiennes Guardian contributor

I've just embarked on the Neapolitan trilogy by Elena Ferrante. The last thing I read that really got under my skin was Philip Roth's The Plot Against America – alarmingly resonant in today's climate.

HoopleHead asks:

What do you think of Brit directors such as Ken Loach, Mike Leigh and Shane Meadows? Would you consider working with them?

User avatar for RalphFiennes Guardian contributor

I'd like to work with any of the above. They're great film-makers. They can easily find my agent's telephone number.

Lilil Alil asks:

In everyday life, what makes you laugh/happy?

User avatar for RalphFiennes Guardian contributor

A really good anecdote. A juicy bit of gossip (I'm not sharing...).


chriskilby asks:

What was it like working with Paul Scofield on Quiz Show? And what’s the most star-struck you’ve ever been?

User avatar for RalphFiennes Guardian contributor

I watched Paul Scofield on stage playing Salieri in the first production of Amadeus. It was a thrilling performance and I felt the hairs rise on the back of my neck. So you can imagine the mixture of excitement, awe and delight I felt working with him on Quiz Show.
Perhaps I was star struck then. But quickly realised I was working with a great actor and a great human being. I didn't feel nervous. I just wanted to do my best.

izzycelik asks:

In The White Crow, Nureyev seemed to be portrayed as a straight man. Why didn’t the truth about his sexuality emerge in the movie?

User avatar for RalphFiennes Guardian contributor

I completely disagree with your response to the film – we see Nureyev in bed with his male lover. How is that a portrayal of a straight man?
He looks longingly across a nightclub at two men dancing sensuously together. I believe I have told the truth about his emerging sexuality at this time in his life.

BernyP asks:

You play a teacher in The White Crow. In my opinion, you would be a great teacher. What subject would you teach? What age group? How would you motivate our Facebook generation?

User avatar for RalphFiennes Guardian contributor

How would you motivate our facebook generation?
I wouldn't. I hate the idea of Facebook.

Sophoife asks:

In the ballet classes you took with Royal Ballet’s principal character artist Bennet Gartside, what did you find the most difficult?

User avatar for RalphFiennes Guardian contributor

I had a handful of ballet classes with Bennett who is great. I was 54 years old (two years ago) and don't hold your breath.

ladyice asks:

Where does your affinity with Russian culture come from (with adaptations of A Month in the Country and Onegin, and The White Crow)?

I don't know where my feeling of connection with Russian culture comes from. All I know is that I have felt hugely rewarded in feeling Dostoevsky or Turgenev and Pushkin. Of 19th century authors I'm largely ignorant about Soviet-era literature. Particularly there's a great humanity in Chekhov.

HaleyJackson2019 asks:

Question 1. What drew you to Nureyev’s life? Why did you feel Nureyev’s story needed to be brought to our attention? Are there messages you want us to know, and look out for?

1. I was reading the early chapters of a biography of Nureyev about 20 years ago. I was really struck by this ferocious will to realise himself as a dancer. This moved me. I didn't come to the film because of a love of ballet. I wanted to make the film because I was moved by the dynamic interior question of the young Nureyev.
I'm not comfortable with messages in films – I'm more interested that the film asks questions.

Ralph is with us now!

Hi! Thanks for all the questions - I'm here and ready to answer.

Ralph Fiennes webchat – post your questions now

“He has had an explosion of character.” So says Ralph Fiennes’s gentle, balding ballet instructor of his most promising pupil in The White Crow. That pupil is Rudy, aka Rudolph Nureyev, who’s just defected to the west following a triumphant season in Paris.

Fiennes’s third film as director (following Coriolanus and The Invisible Woman) tries to decipher why this child of Russia would so publicly and permanently turn his back on his homeland. It’s an extraordinary film about this ravenous talent, played by Ukrainian dancer Oleg Ivenko.

Scripted by David Hare, the film is especially acute on just how insolent and headstrong you might need to be to pursue artistic excellence - or, at least, be able to get away with being. Fiennes coaches Nureyev how discipline and rules are the route both to fluency and to freedom; his wife, who nurses the star when he busts his ankle, teaches his a rather different set of tricks. She describes him as “an animal who has been brought into the house”; another doomed love interest as “the most selfish man I veer met”. Both seem correct.

The White Crow, which premiered at Telluride last September, and is produced by Fiennes’ old pal Liam Neeson, takes us from Nureyev’s impoverished routes, born on a train (this was a life in perpetual motion) and shows how he galvanised ballet with his spirit and his ability to change the stakes for male dancers, seizing the spotlight once reserved for women. His success he credits to knowing exactly what his story is, and for knowing what he wants to say.

So what would you like to say to Fiennes – whose dialogue, incidentally, is exclusively in Russian? Other than asking about The White Crow, you could pepper him with questions about his roles in the likes of Schindler’s List, The English Patient, The End of the Affair, Spider, Red Dragon, Maid in Manhattan, The Constant Gardener, Harry Potter, In Bruges, Great Expectations, A Bigger Splash, The Grand Budapest Hotel, Hail, Caesar!, Holmes & Watson and The Lego Batman Movie.

Up next for Fiennes is the Kingsman prequel, which he’s currently filming, the new James Bond movie, which shoots in a couple of months, and a yet-to-be-released film about GCHQ whistleblower Katherine Gunn.

A fair few potential topics, then – and we haven’t even mentioned his stage work. Fiennes will be answering your questions sometime on the afternoon of Wednesday 13 March, so fire away with your explosions of character – and be sure to check back to see how Fiennes responds.

• The White Crow is released in the UK on 22 March


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