Gwilym Mumford, Hannah Verdier, Hannah J Davies, Max Sanderson and David Waters 

What does it mean to be a man in 2019? – podcasts of the week

A new series promises ‘tough, funny, enlightening conversations’ about modern masculinity, while Bill Clinton enters the world of podcasting

Aymann Ismail, host of Man Up.
Aymann Ismail, host of Man Up. Photograph: Lisa Larson-Walker/Slate

Talking points

In “everyone has a podcast now” news, Bill Clinton has launched a new audio series. Why Am I Telling You This? will see the 42nd President of the United States use storytelling to “explain complex issues and bring people closer together”. Also appearing is Clinton’s daughter Chelsea, although there’s no word yet on whether Hillary has any plans to contribute.

Well worth a read for loyal listeners to John Robins and Elis James’s Radio X podcast is this interview that Guardian contributor Dan Hancox carried out with the pair. They discuss the success of the show in helping men talk about mental health, as well as their burgeoning bromance. Gwilym Mumford

Picks of the week

Conversations Against Living Miserably

Comedians talking about their mental health is also the subject of Aaron Gillies and Lauren Pattison’s new podcast, a collaboration between TV channel Dave and the charity Campaign Against Living Miserably (Calm), that strikes the right balance between funny and thought-provoking. First up is Zoe Lyons, sharing her fear of glass furniture and the little things that get her through the ups and downs of the day. It’s a snapshot of modern problems, from comparing yourself with others online to being unable to stop climate change. Hannah Verdier

Man Up

Aymann Ismail – a journalist with the US news site Slate – it the host of its latest audio series, which offers men and women alike a chance to give their own insights into what it is to be a man today. The host has promised “tough, funny, enlightening conversations”, and the first episode fits the brief comfortably. In it, Ismail meets former boxer Eric Kelly to discuss how – somewhat ironically – fighting outside of the ring ended his career inside it, and why he believes men need to use their heads as “more than a hat rack”. Hannah J Davies

Guardian Pick: Science Weekly

The devastation and destruction caused by pollution – including plastics – in our oceans is something we read about regularly. And rightfully so. But other kinds of pollution can be just as damaging, sound pollution being one. This was the focus of a special three-part series, Oceans of Noise, that dropped last week on Science Weekly.

Led by wildlife recordist Chris Watson, the series takes you on a sonic adventure in the deep and murky depths of our oceans. It’s a celebration of the unknown cacophonies found in this alien world, but also a warning of how human activity is disrupting – and sometimes destroying – the crucial functions that sound offers to our water-dwelling counterparts. Max Sanderson

Producer pick: Seriously … The Song Hunters: The Black Mountains’ Lament

Chosen by David Waters, freelance audio producer

This week’s Seriously podcast – which showcases docs from across BBC Radio 4 – featured the brilliant documentary The Song Hunters: The Black Mountains’ Lament. Singer and song collector Sam Lee takes us deep into the remote Epirus mountain range in Greece to search out Europe’s oldest folk music, which, surprisingly, is still very much alive. This might sound very Radio 4 and quite niche, but the episode is totally gripping, aided by beautiful production, otherworldly, dread-filled folk music, and the gravel-voiced record producer, Chris King. His noirish American drawl – dropping lines like “the music feels like the earth breaking apart” – provides riveting commentary that makes you feel totally immersed in this strange, sad music and the ancient communities that have kept it alive.


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