Luke O'Neil 

‘I hereby order’: Trump mocked for highly formal, meaningless decree

Trump’s demand that US companies boycott China, which he doesn’t have the power to enforce, inspired responses on Twitter

It’s was just another weird day under the Trump administration.
It’s was just another weird day under the Trump administration. Photograph: Nicholas Kamm/AFP/Getty Images

Leaning further into a burgeoning economic war with China of his own design, Donald Trump on Friday levied a series of bizarre demands of American companies who do business in the country.

They included an order for American firms to cease production in China.

“Our great American companies are hereby ordered to immediately start looking for an alternative to China, including bringing your companies HOME and making your products in the USA.”

The proclamation, which the president does not have the power to enforce, might have been expected to unleash a wave of panic and terror among America’s mostly capitalist citizenry – such state-mandated orders are, after all, the stuff of planned-economy communist countries.

But instead, America’s Twitter-sphere resorted mainly to mocking Trump and his rhetorical flourishes. Soon “I hereby order” was taking on a life of its own: from top politicians down to the man-in-the-street Twitter inhabitant.

Congressman Adam Schiff, a frequent critic of Trump, was among the many on Twitter to make light of the concept of issuing decrees via tweet as if one were an all powerful wizard (or monarch).

Congressman Eric Swalwell pointed out the irony of a president so adamantly against socialism using his executive power to dictate how businesses operate by the whims of his desires when that is how people like him often falsely characterize it.

George Conway, another regular opponent, urged others to pile on, starting the hashtag #iherebyorder on Friday afternoon.

Like others, he also took the opportunity to shift the focus to the state of Trump’s alleged deteriorating mental health.

Curiously, but perhaps unsurprisingly considering this is the internet, more than a few people used the developing meme as a chance to post pictures and videos of dogs.

Some even took the idea that there could be actual thought and intent behind the president’s words seriously.

In short, it was simply another weird day under the Trump administration, during a week in which he has already called himself “The Chosen One” and picked a fight with Denmark because of its refusal to consider selling him Greenland.


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