Stuart Heritage 

Mane attraction: cats beat dogs at the box office – but is the data fishy?

Films with feline stars have generated $1.3 bn more in revenue compared with canine capers, according to a curious new survey

Roar power … a scene from the 2019 Disney film The Lion King.
Roar power … a scene from the 2019 Disney film The Lion King. Photograph: AP

On a day as dark and sad as this, we as a society have two options: we can seriously explore the reasons that led to Labour’s worst election defeat since the 1930s, or we can cheat and numb ourselves with a procession of empty distractions.

What I’m trying to say is this: films about cats are more popular than films about dogs.

A survey by personalised gift company Petlandia has studied every movie that features either a cat or a dog since 1970. It’s found that films starring cats have generated $7,841,924,828 in revenue compared with the measly $6,556,609,118 generated by films starring dogs.

I know what you’re thinking. “Those two figures are relatively close, which suggests that there isn’t really one runaway winner here,” you say, “and as such this is an opportunistic and poorly conceived survey to infinitesimally raise awareness about something as banal as a personalised pet gift service.”

To that I say: I don’t need your lip, especially not today. I don’t mind that, of the top 10 cat movies listed, seven of them don’t even feature the sort of domesticated cat you might have expected. The leading films are not really cat movies. The top five are the two Lion King films and three instalments of Madagascar, proving just how imprecise of the survey’s was. But who cares? Maybe we like being lied to. That’s the only possible explanation for what happened last night, isn’t it? Maybe we deserve this.

The survey also listed the genres people enjoy when it comes to films about cats or dogs. Animation is the favourite, which is bad news for horror fans, though, because horror is only the seventh most popular genre. The message – probably the most important message you’ll hear all week – is clear: cartoons about cats and/or dogs are much more popular than horror movies about cats and/or dogs.

I stayed up to watch it, you know. I watched the whole thing, right from the exit polls all the way up until Dennis Skinner lost his seat. What the hell are we supposed to do now? Were we too complacent? Did we have it coming?

Oh, and I meant to say, we finally have definitive evidence that brown animals are the best at generating box-office revenue. Thanks to Petlandia, we now know that brown animals have made $3,038,333,404 at the box office, which is a whole billion dollars more than their second-place rivals – gold-coloured animals.

What an exciting discovery! What a time to be alive! And what an inspiring message to aspiring film-makers: if you want to be popular, you should make a cartoon about a brown cat. That’s what we should be concentrating on now, cartoons about brown cats. Not anything else. Never anything else. Never anything else again.


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