How difficult is it to change broadband provider?

We’re overpaying, but I’m worried switching might turn into a nightmare

Couple using the internet on a laptop
Broadband customers who don’t shop around at the end of their contract or haggle for a better deal can be at risk of overpaying. Photograph: Alamy

Every week a Guardian Money reader submits a question, and it’s up to you to help him or her out – a selection of the best answers will appear in next Saturday’s paper.

My wife has been badgering me to change our broadband provider, as we are overpaying. I’ve resisted for fear we’ll lose the service. If you switched, did it run smoothly or did it turn into a nightmare? I’m fast running out of excuses.

Do you have a problem readers could solve? Email your suggestions to or write to us at Money, the Guardian, Kings Place, 90 York Way, London N1 9GU.


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