The contribution to history of Black women has often been overlooked, so it’s always heartening when a film-maker attempts to redress the balance. Theodore Melfi did it with Hidden Figures (2016), which dramatised the role played by three Black female mathematicians in Nasa’s 1960s space programme. Now writer-director Tyler Perry (best known for Diary of a Mad Black Woman and the Madea series) takes a similarly stirring, if slightly less glamorous true story: the clearing of an immense backlog of second world war mail to and from US troops fighting in Europe by a battalion of dedicated Black women from the Women’s Army Corps, who faced widespread institutional racism and sexism.
Unfortunately, Perry drenches the tale with his trademark syrupy ineptitude, creating a gloopy, turgid plodder. It doesn’t help that the performances are wildly uneven: Kerry Washington brings a steely magnetism to the role of Major Charity Adams, no-nonsense commander of the 6888th battalion. Elsewhere, though, crucial scenes are sunk by the am-dram-level manglings of some of the supporting cast.
In select UK cinemas/on Netflix