Greg Howson 


Lost: Via Domus is the biggie and not just because I reviewed it.

The reviews are in the paper today. Lost: Via Domus is the biggie and not just because I reviewed it. I've blogged a lot about this game over the last couple of weeks, mainly because the huge potential was never realised. Surely a free roaming island - using the Far Cry engine? - with puzzles, is what the game should have been? Ah well, at least the achievement points are easy. I'm not sure the same can be said for Lost Odyssey. I've yet to properly dive in - the lack of a "save anywhere" is not really compatible with a 4 week old baby - and tend to prefer Western RPGs. But the review is positive and I'm generally hearing good things. Anyone here playing it? Last and, let's face it, least is Flatout Head On, a Burnout style racer for the PSP.


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