Presented by Kevin Fong and produced by Jason Phipps 

Science Weekly podcast: Bringing the sun down to Earth

A collective longing for the sun in winter inspired the team to investigate the science of our nearest star and the technology that aims to emulate its power here on Earth

This week on Science Weekly, presented by Kevin Fong, we investigate and celebrate the real star of the show, our sun. With solar weather experts saying this week that the sun is eerily quiet at this point in its cycle, Dr Lucie Green, a solar researcher based at the Mullard Space Science Laboratory at University College London, explains the consequences of this solar lull.

We're joined by comedian Helen Arney of the comedy troupe Festival of the Spoken Nerd. Helen gives us a live rendition of her Sun Song, ahead of performances at the Bloomsbury Theatre London and around the UK this month (well worth checking out!).

Kevin and the panel discuss how our growing understanding of the sun led to the development of thermonuclear fusion technology. Dr Michel Caessens from the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor, ITER, explains this hugely ambitious project and how the science behind the reactor could provide low-carbon energy for future generations.

Also for Science Weekly Dr Natalie Starkey talks to Dr James McLaughlin, Reader in Mathematics and Astrophysics at Northumbria University, about the mechanics of the sun and it's effects on the earth.

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