Providing an epilogue to Tools of Destruction and A Crack in Time, Nexus is a bite-size version of the regular Ratchet and Clank games and has an understandably smaller scope. The core gameplay remains the same but with a prominent anti-gravity theme – Ratchet can jump from wall to wall in zero-G, create anti-grav pathways and Clank's "nether dimension" sections involve manipulating gravity's direction.
Also new is the long-overdue addition of a jetpack, which successfully combines air-to-air gunplay and fuel management in a fashion that feels natural and will, with luck, become a series staple. Equally, while many of the weapons are derivatives of old designs, there are just enough new ideas to keep things fresh. Yet while there is innovation here, the game suffers from odd pacing and a sudden ending that emphasises its meagre (six- to seven-hour) length and while all the hallmarks of the series are present and correct, both depth and longevity are lacking.