The Oscar run up is in full force as movie goers and celebrity watchers attempt to predict who will be granted Hollywood's highest political (I mean "meritocratic") honour. Entertainment Weekly signalled its bets for big wins with Lupita Nyong'o (12 Years a Slave) and Cate Blanchett (Blue Jasmine) on its cover. Meanwhile, the Guardian's Caspar Llewellyn Smith is still trying to make the case for Philomena.
But anyone who has spent way more hours of their life than they'd like to admit in a cinema or watching films on Netflix, DVDs and tapes (remember those?) knows it's equally as entertaining to discuss the worst movies of all time. The ones that shouldn't have been made. The ones you try to imagine studio executives discussing without using the word "crap" or anyone on set keeping a straight face while filming.
Take Liam Neeson's latest "save the flight" flick. Guardian reviewer Tom Shone has dubbed Neeson the "B-movie king". Then again, most of the Twilight franchise actors might consider "B grade" to be a compliment for their work. You get the idea. If you need a refresher on just how bad films can get, I recommend browsing the list of the lowest scored movies ever on the site Rotten Tomatoes.
Sure, there are awards like the Razzies to "salute the worst that Hollywood has to offer each year", but we want to know the most substandard of all time. Tell us:
What's the worst film you've ever seen?