Luke Buckmaster 

The Magic Riddle rewatched – a fairytale mishmash told with chaotic energy

Animator Yoram Gross, the closest Australian cinema has come to a Walt Disney, pilfers from classic children’s tales in a film constantly hopscotching between divergent plot lines

The Magic Riddle
The Widow, a ‘wicked stepmother’ featuring in 1991’s The Magic Riddle. Photograph: Internet

The concept of an unreliable narrator has twisted films in all sorts of interesting directions since the early years of cinema. Germany blew audience’s minds with the expressionist head trip The Cabinet of Dr Caligari, the entire 1920 film revealed to be a nightmare cooked up by a straitjacket-clad madman.

The Japanese master Akira Kurosawa famously relayed conflicting accounts of the same event from three different people in Rashomon. Hollywood’s form in this field probably peaked during its noir years, when men on the wrong side of the law – typically dying or about to be caught, such as in Double Indemnity and Detour – reflected in highly subjective detail about everything that went wrong.

Australian cinema’s most spectacular unreliable narrator comes from an unlikely place: an animated musical from 1991 called The Magic Riddle. The film was written and directed by the nearest thing local cinema has produced to a Down Under Walt Disney: the prolific Yoram Gross, whose best-known work is 1977’s Dot and the Kangaroo.

The story, which follows a young woman named Cindy (short for Cinderella) who lives with a wicked stepmother and has eyes for a hunky Gaston-like local man, is introduced by a kind elderly woman known only as Grandmother.

Her presence is like a reverse Keyser Söze: instead of discovering at the end of the film that her story was made up, she comes clean at the start. Grandmother confesses she can’t clearly remember the details of the tale she is about to tell and states via rhyming verse she has confused it with fairytales (“Are Cinderella and the seven dwarves in the plot? Or what about that Snow White dwarf – was he there, or maybe not?”).

The befuddled yarn-spinner then says to hell with it and declares she will tell the story as best she can. Everything we see is a visualisation of her muddled memory, projecting a nonsense anachronistic universe that doesn’t make sense.

Cindy drives a horse and carriage, for example, but wears a crop top and jeans, the story based in neither past nor present. Grandmother’s inability to separate reality from fairytales also affords Gross carte blanche to pilfer parts from an endless array of sources.

And pilfer he does. Pinocchio, who is key to the story, looks ridiculous (like a young Angry Anderson reimagined with a huge honker) and speaks with a whiny moppet-like drawl, clearly an adult pretending to be a child – or somebody who has just inhaled a helium balloon.

To say this is a homage would be to put it generously. The Magic Riddle is more like wholesale rip-off, told with a chaotically energetic spirit that hopscotches between a mismatched array of plot lines involving rinky-dink versions of familiar characters.

The overarching story – which Gross is happy to abandon for extended periods of time – concerns a missing will hidden by Cindy’s deceased grandfather. The seven dwarves, Pinocchio, the three little pigs, the ugly duckling and others are there to help her, but are mostly hindrances. Grandmother occasionally writes herself into the story for no apparent reason.

The villain, known as The Widow, is a manically aggressive piece of work: a wicked stepmother quite unlike any other. She has one tooth, clown-like black hair and bounces around in a low-cut top spilling enormous cleavage, yelping songs with lyrics such as “I’m mean, mean, mean, it’s great to be mean!” and periodically flashing her underwear.

It’s a hell of a film, somewhere between can’t watch and can’t look away. The visual makeup is more polished, and certainly more Disney-esque, than a lot of Gross’s output. All his previous work overlaid animation on to live-action backgrounds but The Magic Riddle was completely drawn, comprising about 65,000 illustrations.

The quality of the songs differs wildly, the lyrics largely consisting of basic rhymes (“where did she come from where did she go / there’s so much about her that I don’t know”). Some are catchy; others sound like tracks the authorities at Gitmo might use to extract information from suspects.

At the time the most expensive animated movie produced in Australia, The Magic Riddle is nevertheless unable to shirk the sense it’s a déclassé version of a Disney princess story. But there’s one thing it cannot be faulted on: the construction of an utterly and insanely unreliable narrator. That lovely glassy-eyed Grandmother ranks among cinema’s best, and worst.


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