Mark Kermode, Observer film critic 

Taking Stock review – sunny fare, ropey plot

Kelly Brook plays a shop assistant turned outlaw in a breezy London tale that doesn’t do justice to writer/director Maeve Murphy’s talents

A latterday Bonnie: Kelly Brook in Taking Stock.
A latterday Bonnie: Kelly Brook in Taking Stock. Photograph: PR

Ever envisaged Kelly Brook as a latterday Bonnie Parker? Me neither. But talented writer/director Maeve Murphy has other ideas, casting Kelly as disgruntled shop employee Kate who decides to rob her place of work when redundancy looms. It’s fluffy, sunny fare, shot in breezy London locales that go some way towards disguising the ropey plot and televisual contrivance.

Personally, I much preferred Murphy’s short film, Sushi, the tasty appetiser to this altogether more bland main course.

Watch the trailer for Taking Stock

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