Hollie McNish 

On my radar: Hollie McNish’s cultural highlights

The poet on the Shambala festival, the magic of Withered Hand, Laura Dudsworth’s Bare Reality and an inspiring visit to a Roman fort

holly mcnish portrait
Holly McNish: ‘I love storytelling. I love hearing the voices of people who don’t normally get heard.’ Photograph: Katherine Anne Rose/The Observer

Hollie McNish was born in Reading in 1983 to Scottish parents. Obsessed with writing her diaries in poetry since the age of seven, she finally stammered her first reading to others at the age of 25. She has since become a full-time poet, released two collections, Papers and Cherry Pie, and performed last year alongside the likes of Young Fathers, Kate Tempest and Simon Armitage. She is currently touring the UK with her latest collection of poetry and memoirs on parenthood, Nobody Told Me, out now (Blackfriars Books). Her grandmother read the first page and said “I can’t read any more”. First review done.

1 | Festival


In the months leading up to June, I get really excited every time an email pops up inviting me to gig at a summer festival. Shambala, however, is the only festival that I ask to do each year. I’d beg if I had to. It is the perfect blend of family-friendly and not totally crap for adults: excellently thought-through music line-ups; BUMP Roller Disco; all-night raves; brilliant environmental policies. The poetry tent there – Wandering Word – run by a beautiful Bristol-based posse, is my all-time favourite festival stage to hear and read live poetry at, Latitude being my second. When festival season is done, poetry nights like Bang Said the Gun and Rally & Broad take that space.

2 | Music

Withered Hand

I discovered this artist last year while I was part of a brilliant tour of rural Scotland, Anywhere But the Cities, by Scottish super-collective Neu! Reekie! We were playing in Tower Arts in Helensburgh, a gorgeous converted church, and I remember vividly sitting on my own in the pews watching the bands soundcheck, when Withered Hand’s voice started filling the air. His sound (and manner) is one of the sweetest, softest and most lovingly serious I’ve known. Played at home, it’s like he’s sitting by your bed whispering superbly written lullabies at you. Last month, I saw him play again alongside Liz Lochhead and Irvine Welsh at Neu! Reekie!’s Christmas show. He was wearing a T-shirt with the slogan Porn Kills Love. It was my favourite gig of last year.

3 | Book

Bare Reality by Laura Dodsworth

I saw Laura do a presentation of this book, and, though slightly sceptical at first, I was in tears by the end. Breasts have been rather forced on me in recent years: since pregnancy, mine have gone from a double A to an E and back to an A cup. They have been grabbed, groped, drunk from, pulled, criticised and trolled on YouTube. They have caused me heartache and trauma and joy, worry, love and hate. And finally, finally, here is a book dedicated to them in all their non-sales-pitch-billboard glory. If only this book, a mindful blend of photography and storytelling, could be read in schools. Unfortunately, and quite ridiculously in my opinion, it’d likely not pass the censors.

4 | Cafe

Box Cafe, Cambridge

If I’m honest, I still feel quite awkward in a lot of restaurants; sitting formally, attempting not to feel out of place. Cafes and pubs are more my thing. This cafe is an underrated treat just outside Cambridge city centre. The owners are friendly, the front section is filled with toys, books and a Wendy house for those of us who scout, desperate for places which actually want us there with our babies and children. Most importantly, though, unlike the squashed baked beans, peas and chips of a lot of “kid-friendly” places, it also serves a luscious range of home-cooked Turkish and British food. I have whiled away hours there with my daughter, with friends and alone. In fact, I have organised most of my tours there, written about half of my books and enjoyed a lot of mixed mezes, Turkish breakfasts, lentil soups and cups of tea.

5 | Place

Arbeia Roman Fort and Museum, South Shields

I’ve just been doing a residency in South Shields as part of Hexham book festival. On possibly the most hail-fuelled, blustery, half-snowing, half-torrentially raining day of the year so far, I was shown around Arbeia fort (normally open only in spring and summer) by the brilliant Alex Croom, keeper of archaeology at Tyne & Wear Archives & Museums. I was undoubtedly the sort of kid who spent school trips moaning about the pointlessness of old vases in glass cases. So when shown around one of the landmark forts of the Roman Empire, actually able to walk through the soldiers’ barracks, the commander’s Mediterranean-style residence, and climb to the top of the fort gate in all its reconstructed glory, I admit, I might have enjoyed it a lot. I also visited Tymouth Castle and Priory that week, which I’d recommend with equal excitement.

6 | YouTube

Style Like U: What’s Underneath

The idea of a short-film series in which (mainly) women undress while talking about their personal style isn’t something which jumped out as a great thing to me. But after being sent a link by a friend, I spent the next three hours watching just that. People sitting on a stool, telling their life stories until they were down to their underwear. It was captivating. I love storytelling. I love hearing the voices of people who don’t normally get heard. From people who aren’t the loudest or most confident about what they have to say. I think it’s a very important thing which doesn’t happen nearly as much as it should, and this series opened my eyes, heart and body in a way that hasn’t happened for a while.


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