Can a movie change your life? How about a comedy? How about Groundhog Day? I believe that this wonderful film contains remarkable wisdom that can help you be happier and more fulfilled. There are three transformative principles at its heart that I have used to improve my life and that you can use to improve yours, too.
Principle number one: practice makes perfect. Groundhog Day is a sustained, ingenious experiment in how to make the most of every day and live your life to the full.
Bill Murray’s character, Phil Connors, learns how to be incredibly resourceful as he turns a miserable day into a great day through consistent practice – until he masters the art of living his one day to the full. I try to improve every day, too, experimenting with new ways of thinking, feeling and behaving so that I can remain spontaneous, agile and open to change.
Ask yourself: “What could I think, say and do differently today?” Then instead of living on autopilot, replaying the same old patterns, you can create a new and better experience whenever you want.
The second principle: improve the quality of your inner life. Groundhog Day is a story of self-awareness, self-improvement and ultimately self-transformation. Phil does not transform his character through attaining more power, wealth or status. He cannot change his place or time, so he has to change himself. He simplifies his life to the essence, to what is most significant – like being aware and caring for others.
This has been a big lesson for me. It took me many years to realise that most of the goals we strive for, such as financial success, travel and popularity, count for far less than we expect. Now I focus on getting my inner life right first, on feeling a sense of wellbeing irrespective of what is happening in my outer life. When you do the same, you will be calmer and happier.
The third principle: appreciate that you have everything you need to be happy now. Groundhog Day is the tale of how Phil gradually discovers that what he thought was hell turns out to be heaven. He learns to love the same town, people and activities that he had previously hated. Nothing alters except his attitude.
I used to be restless all the time, moving house every year or so, distracting myself with new businesses and even emigrating to California. Now I focus on appreciating what I have in the knowledge that I need nothing more to feel happy now. So every time you feel low or suffer a setback, ask yourself: “What is good about my life now?” and, even better, write down the answers in a journal. The more you focus on being grateful and appreciative, the happier you will be. If you want to get out of a rut, try changing yourself before looking to change your circumstances.
I regard Groundhog Day as a masterclass in how to live. Trapped in time, Phil can and indeed does try every possible way to live until he discovers the ideal one based on creativity, compassion and contribution. He learns one of the greatest lessons in life. We create our own reality. We have the choice to make today and every day either sad or happy, dull or inspiring, meaningless or fulfilling. You can bring whatever mindset you choose to the next 24 hours. This is an extraordinary gift that we often overlook, and there is no better example of its priceless value than Groundhog Day. You can make today better than yesterday; you can improve your life one day at a time.
The Wisdom of Groundhog Day by Paul Hannam is published by Yellow Kite at £14.99. To order a copy for £11.99, go to bookshop.theguardian.com