Michael Hogan 

How much do you know about James Bond creator Ian Fleming? – quiz

A television biopic series about 007 creator Ian Fleming starts this week. But, asks Michael Hogan, how much do you know about him?

  1. There have been 23 “official” Bond films but how many full-length Bond novels did Fleming write?

    1. 10

    2. 12

    3. 15

  2. From where did Fleming steal the name for his character James Bond?

    1. Off the cover of a book about birdwatching

    2. From a colleague in naval intelligence

    3. From his favourite Savile Row tailor

  3. What was the name of his holiday home in Jamaica?

    1. Thunderball

    2. Goldeneye

    3. Moonraker

  4. As well as the Bond series, which children’s classic did he write?

    1. Chitty-Chitty-Bang-Bang

    2. Mary Poppins

    3. Swallows and Amazons

  5. Fleming shares his middle name with which northern English town?

    1. Chester

    2. Bradford

    3. Lancaster

  6. Which of these actors hasn’t previously played Fleming on screen?

    1. Charles Dance

    2. Roger Moore

    3. Jason Connery

  7. Fleming left the Royal mililitary college at Sandhurst before he’d gained a commission. Why?

    1. He had an alcohol problem

    2. He was too trigger-happy

    3. He contracted gonorrhea

  8. Which musician did he envisage that Bond would resemble?

    1. Hoagy Carmichael

    2. Bix Beiderbecke

    3. Frank Sinatra

  9. Which TV spy series was partly conceived by Fleming?

    1. The Saint

    2. The Man from UNCLE

    3. The Avengers

  10. Which of his Bond novels did Fleming consider to be best – and was named by US President John F Kennedy as one of his 10 favourite books?

    1. Dr No

    2. Thunderball

    3. From Russia, With Love


1:B, 2:A, 3:B, 4:A, 5:C, 6:B, 7:C, 8:A, 9:B, 10:C


  1. 0 and above.

    You’re a Fleming failure. As Alan Partridge says: stop getting Bond wrong. The four-part series starts on Wednesday at 9pm on Sky Atlantic.

  2. 4 and above.

    You have a quantum of knowledge but should watch the show to swot up. The four-part series starts on Wednesday at 9pm on Sky Atlantic.

  3. 7 and above.

    You’re a Bond boffin, a bit like Q. Reward yourself with a Martini. You know how you like it. The four-part series starts on Wednesday at 9pm on Sky Atlantic.


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