Maev Kennedy 

Rainbow flag and space coffee cup snapped up by Design Museum

London museum acquires new objects for permanent collection including Gilbert Baker’s iconic flag and zero-gravity cup

a coffee cup for astronauts
An astronaut sips from a coffee cup designed to recreate an ‘Earth-like drinking experience’. Photograph: Design Museum

A rainbow flag designed in 1978 by the San Francisco artist Gilbert Baker, and now recognised across the world as a symbol of gay pride, has become the Design Museum’s first acquisition for its permanent collection since it moved to its new home in the former Commonwealth Institute building in Kensington, west London.

A copy of David Bowie’s last album, – but generally referred to as Blackstar – released last year just two days before his death, is also joining the collection, in tribute to the striking black vinyl and CD cover design by Jonathan Barnbrook.

The museum is also acquiring a simple object that has given great comfort to astronauts in space – a cleverly designed vessel allowing the pleasure of a cup of coffee rather than a sachet and a straw, creating what the museum calls “an Earth-like drinking experience”.

An Oculus Rift virtual reality headset is also being added to the collection, along with several more retro California-designed objects, coinciding with the exhibition at the museum, including an original 1958 Frisbee, a 1977 Atari games console, and a full set of an alternative living bible, the Whole Earth Catalog published between 1968 and 1972.


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