Business Made Simple event, London: the future of work debate

Join our panel debate on the future of work and take part in our masterclass on creative thinking in London on Thursday 19 October, 6pm-9pm

conceptual futuristic female robot<br>A1BY30 conceptual futuristic female robot
Our panel debate will explore the workplace of the future. Photograph: I. Glory / Alamy/Alamy

The Guardian Business Made Simple events series comes to London with an expert masterclass and panel debate on Tuesday 16 January 2018. You can sign up below.

The panel discussion, which will be chaired by the Guardian’s economics editor, Larry Elliott, will explore the workplace of the future.

The panellists, who include experts in artificial intelligence (AI) and labour trends, futurists and business leaders, will discuss what the world of work will look like in the next 10 years and how both businesses and workers can best prepare for it.

The panellists are Maja Pantic, professor of affective and behavioral computing at Imperial College London; Dave Coplin, founder of The Envisioners consultancy and former chief envisioning officer at Microsoft UK; Magdalena Bak-Maier, neuroscientist and productivity coach; and Jasnam Sidhu, artificial intelligence and disruptive innovation consultant at PwC UK.

In the inspirational masterclass that follows, artist and bestselling author Rod Judkins will lead a workshop on how to innovate and solve business problems using creative thinking. Whether you want to apply creative thinking to your job, business or personal projects, you’ll leave the class with techniques that can be put into practice instantly.

The free event is designed for people who run or work at businesses with more than 50 employees. Sign up below to get a place at the event – the fourth in a series taking place around the UK, including in Manchester (27 February 2018) and Birmingham (24 May 2018). The series launched in Edinburgh in September.


6.00pm-6.30pm: Attendee arrival, registration, refreshments, networking.

6.30pm-6.35pm: Chair’s welcome, Larry Elliott, economics editor, the Guardian.

6.35pm-6.40pm: Welcome from Tom McLoughlin, head of London region, Vodafone.

6.40pm-7.30pm: Panel discussion, the future of work:

  • Technology is changing the fundamental nature of how we work – experts forecast a future where 85% of jobs have not yet been invented, more than 10 million UK workers are at high risk of being replaced by robots and, as cloud-based technologies make work infinitely more flexible, the office is becoming obsolete.
  • In this discussion on how we should best prepare for the workplace of the future, experts in AI and labour trends, futurists and business leaders will debate what the world of work will look like in the next 10 years and what skills workers will need. They will also advise on how businesses can keep on top of technological advances and adapt to the introduction of more freedom and less hierarchy.

7.30pm-8.30pm: Masterclass: The art of creative thinking and innovation for businesses, led by Rod Judkins, Guardian Masterclass tutor.

8.30pm-9.00pm: Networking and prizes.

While this is a free event, please be aware that space is limited. Those who have been successful will receive an email to confirm their place.



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