Are you an early riser? I get up at 5.30am with the larks every day, mate. I put the kettle on and watch the deer and the foxes to keep an eye on what’s going on. First light is the best time of the day in the countryside.
Are Sundays busy? If I’m in West Sussex I’ll check the football results then drive to a mate’s house. One’s a farmer, the other a gamekeeper – their wives cook up a mean full English. If I’m in Los Angeles I’d be at the golf club at 7am for breakfast, before the boys turn up to tee off at 8.
What makes a Sunday special? It’s still a day of rest to me – it feels a little calmer. I lost my wife last year, so if I’m in the UK I might go to the local church for 20 minutes to have a little chat with her. When I’m in LA, I’ll go to the grave and sit by her side.
Sundays growing up… They were full of football: two games on a Saturday and two on Sunday. Each match felt like a cup final. I absolutely loved it. As soon as I started walking I knew it was what I wanted to do. Then I’d go and eat my nan and grandad out of house and home.
A special Sunday? The morning after winning the [1988] FA Cup final. I woke up horribly hungover to a mate asking what time I was picking him up. I had no idea the whole of Wimbledon had descended on the town hall to celebrate, so I nearly missed it. After that I showed the boys my winner’s medal down the pub.
And Sunday night? I might make a few phone calls and then just chill out, really, sitting back and watching sport. In LA, we used to entertain. Then there’s burping, farting and turning off the telly before checking the league tables again. What else is there to do before bed?
Vinnie Jones has teamed up with Brut (bruteurope.com)