The internet is my favourite place in the world. It has always held a special place in my heart, from the time 15-year-old me catfished a boy into believing I was the actor Alyssa Milano, to now, where I get paid to combine silly little words, to form silly little sentences, to have them live on the internet. Only to get trolled by incels (which is fair, since I did catfish that young incel).
This is an insight into my mentally unstable, little lesbian brain. I do hope you enjoy.
1. Marnie in Girls covering Stronger
I think about this moment of television history at least once a week. Sure, Girls had its issues, but this is perfection. The awkwardness, the confidence, the lyric change to “white Kate Mass” because we can only assume Marnie thought she would be cancelled for saying “black Kate Moss”. I love this so much that I have been known to sing it at friends’ birthday parties without request.
2. Anything Trixie and Katya but specifically UNHhhh episode 29: Halloweenie
UNHhhh – the show featuring Drag Race alumni Trixie and Katya – is what I go to when I need smooth brain. It’s what I go to when I’m depressed. UNHhhh is the therapist I never had. Trixie has said multiple times that their audience is depressed lesbians and, hunny, she’s not wrong. All I want in life is for a friend to laugh at me the way Katya laughs at Trixie. Because that’s what all friendships should be about – validation of your comedy.
3. P!nk flying through the air
A more recent one, but I cannot stop laughing at this. I don’t think it’s P!nk’s actual performance, but the cinematography of this video, which captures P!nk chaotically screaming “I WANNA START A FIGHT!” and then being flung up into the air while staying bone-straight. I think the reason it’s so funny is because of its similarty to that lady being airlifted and spun 175 times. (Thank you to Bec Shaw for bringing that video into my life.)
4. Totino’s with Kristen Stewart
This Saturday Night Live sketch combines two of my favourite things – shitty ads and lesbian pining. If I could ever write something as perfect as this sketch, I would retire, only to announce my return to comedy two months later – like all the greats.
5. This hamster
This is my favourite image on the internet but I can’t find it anywhere! Thankfully I love it so much, my girlfriend got it printed on to coasters a few years ago so I could laugh at it every day. Like what is he doing in that silly outfit? So silly.
6. Hello
An oldie but a goodie. This is the only way I will say hello. There are so many vines that I quote on a daily basis, but that’s a whole other list on its own.
7. This TikTok
This TikTok should be played in cinemas. The simplicity, but the layers – One Direction, the Borat accent, the plain wrap. I have rewatched it about 100 times and that’s not an exaggeration.
8. The time my comedy partner broke my knee on stage
Look I know this looks like I’m self-promoting. And what if I am? Sue me. But trust me when I say that this is one of the funniest things that has ever happened to me. Like, not at the time, but I saw the comedy in it a few weeks after.
This happened in the first five seconds of one of our shows. Champagne Showers by LMFAO is blasting in the background, I bound on to the stage and I’m in the wrong spot of our choreography when my comedy partner commando rolls on to the stage and power-bottoms my knee. I ended up rupturing my ACL, MCL and meniscus – and chipping a bit of the bone. But God it was funny. Almost as funny as the nurse in the ER being so confused and asking questions like how this happened from a standup comedy show and why I was wearing rip-away pants. “Oh!” I replied. “It’s a gay standup comedy show.”
9. Chugging soda water challenge
I honestly assumed everyone who has access to the world wide web had seen this, but I recently showed two friends who hadn’t and I think it’s important viewing for all.
10. Disney Real Housewives
The Real Housewives franchise cured my depression, so sketch comedy based on the Real Housewives is my new Lexapro. The way Prince Charming laughs is my entire personality.
Jenna Suffern doesn’t have any upcoming shows listed, but does have one at the end of the year – so you should follow them on Instagram for details and to validate them with your laughter